Making A Difference In The World Around You

  • Ways You Can Help Yourself And Others Stay Healthy From Dangerous Viruses

    22 October 2020

    There are many ways you can do your part during cold and flu season and during pandemic times to help keep the community as a whole safe. You can get your flu shot so you don't inadvertently catch the flu virus and give it to others. You can consider donating COVID-19 plasma if you're applicable. These actions will help you protect not just yourself, but the community as a whole.

  • 5 Reasons To Sponsor A Child

    31 March 2020

    If you're someone who likes to make a difference and you're always looking for ways to help out, you may want to look into a sponsor-a-child program. This is a way for you to make a difference in the lives of a child who really needs it. Each program's specifics are different, but they all share the main goal of helping children in need. Here are some of the reasons to sponsor a child.

  • Are You Wanting To Maximize The Benefits Of Your Donations This Year? 3 Ways Donating To Single Parent Families Helps Everyone

    22 November 2019

    Helping others is just part of being a good person who cares about what happens in the world. While some people volunteer their time, there is always a need for money and tangible items such as cars to be donated to people in need. Naturally, you want your donations to go as far as possible, and you can make the first step by choosing to donate to single parent families through organizations that know how to stretch their budgets.

  • 3 Things You Need To Know About Taxes And Vehicle Donations

    4 January 2017

    If you have a vehicle sitting in your driveway or garage that isn't getting much use, you may want to show your humanitarian spirit by donating the vehicle to a charity. Gifting your vehicle to a charitable organization could have some tax benefits, so it's important that you understand how vehicle donations and tax write-offs are related. Here are three things you need to know about taxes and vehicle donations when you are deciding to donate your vehicle to charity.

  • This Holiday Season, Give Someone A Lift: How To Do It Affordably And Safely

    14 December 2016

    Humanitarian services are a big deal during the holiday season. Almost everyone who can afford to opens their hearts and purse strings at this time of year. There are the old tried and true approaches to help people out, like the red kettles in front of grocery stores and food pantries, but what about transportation? So many of the less fortunate have to depend on expensive means of travel or rely on buses and long waits in the cold to get somewhere.